Ellie and GB

Ellie and GB
Ellie and her girl.


Ellie's Girl


Ellie at home with Gadget

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I am so glad the week is over.  Yesterday, I took GB home and bypassed daycare, hoping to have a quiet hour before we met friends at Friendly's. I saw all the work they sent home for the week, looked at the Valentine list the teacher sent home for the party, cuddled while she told me about her day,  baked cookies for snack (pre-made dough), and then settled her and Ellie in front of the TV for a half hour of PBS. MK decided see wanted to go with us. My Hubby said sure and I mentally groaned. You would think adding a 24 year old to a kids dinner out wouldn't  be worth a thought, but MK and GB have been bickering non stop for weeks. We chose to leave Ellie home, because of space considerations, and put her, her blanket, and a big bone in her crate.

Friendly's took all the patience I had. GB wanted to sit across from her friend Kyra, which was right next to MK. MK tried to dictate wear everybody should sit and I stopped that, which let to MK sulking. Then the complaints started. GB is touching me, there's no room for my food, tell GB to watch her elbow, make GB sit on her butt, GB is not eating her mac and cheese, tell mk to mind her own business, GB is pushing around her mac and cheese, MK shouldn't have ice cream- she didn't finish, and on and on. I finally sat between GB and MK and told them both to worry about themselves. This started MK's usual litany of how I do such a lousy job of raising GB, and Hubby chose to insert himself and deal with MK.

If hubby chooses to let MK come next week, HE can sit between them.

We got home to find Ellie had broken out of the crate. GB was still bouncing, so Hubby chose to take care of Ellie and I got elected for the bed time routine. GB fed Ellie and spilled some of the food out of the bowl. She finished feeding Ellie and helped me clean up the spilled dog food. I told if she couldn't settle down, Ellie would get to stay up late and join her after she was asleep. We did medicine, pjs,  teeth and a book and she was still wound. Since medicine was right before bed, I knew it would be 45 minutes before it kicked in and put her in without Ellie. She was not happy, but I reminded her she would be going to her (biological) cousin's birthday party tomorrow and that seemed to make every thing ok. It still took her 40 minutes for the singing and talking to herself to stop. (We still use a baby monitor with her.) Next week, I think I'll bring her nighttime Meds, and have her take them before we leave Friendly's.

It is Saturday morning, she dressed, fed Ellie, didn't eat her breakfast and went off to the gym with my Hubby, MK hasn't come out of her room, Ellie's asleep in front of the fire place, and I have an hour to myself. Life is good.

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